在香港,一班小朋友和青少年們,就選擇以「閱讀」和「服務」這兩種獨特的方式,兌現他們一年前所作的承諾。他們正是參加了國際小母牛香港分會主辦的「開卷助人」(Read to Feed)和「做牛做馬日」(Chores for Change)活動的同學。透過閱讀和服務身邊的人,來自本港61間中小學和幼稚園超過40,000位學生,籌到超過三百萬元善款。所有善款已陸續撥捐中國小母牛四川地震災後重建項目。有關項目將幫助13,000戶家庭重建生計。
許嘉倩(香港嘉諾撒學校六年級同學 / 小母牛「開卷助人」計劃參與者):
葉頌雅(聖士提反書院附屬小學六年級同學 / 小母牛「做牛做馬日」計劃參與者):
Dear Friends,
The 512 Sichuan earthquake has touched the hearts of all Chinese people around the world. Many people have pledged to provide support to the victims to help rebuild their homes and their livelihood. A year has passed since the disaster, have the promises been kept?
In Hong Kong, over 40,000 students have fulfilled their promises to help Sichuan earthquake families by reading books and serving others. The students from 61 kindergartens, primary and secondary schools have raised over HK$3 million through Heifer International Hong Kong’s Read to Feed and Chores for Change programs. All the money raised, without any deduction, will be used in Heifer’s Sichuan Earthquake Rehabilitation Project, which aims to help 13,000 victim families rebuild their livelihood.
Let’s see what the students say:
"I read 19 books and raised HK$240 for Heifer’s Read to Feed program. When I asked my family and relatives for sponsorship, everyone was keen to give a hand. Although I didn’t raise a lot of money, what mattered most was the willingness to help……For those who have lost the loved one in the disaster, it’s very difficult to face the reality. And time could not be turned back, so what we should do is to treasure every moment we spend with our loved ones from now on."
── Hui Ka Sin (Canossa School (Hong Kong) P6 student, Read to Feed participant)
"One of the services I pledged for Chores for Change was to help my parents take care of my younger sister. From the process of teaching her homework, I felt the difficulty of being a teacher. Although it was hard, I will keep on helping her even after Chores for Change."
── Yip Chung Nga (St Stephen's College Preparatory School P6 student, Chore for Change participant)
What’s most important is not the amazing fundraising result, but that the youngsters honored their promise to care for the less fortunate. The earthquake was ruthless, but it united everyone who has a caring heart.
On behalf of the beneficiary farmers, we would like to thank all students, parents and teachers for their support to Heifer!