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 紅十字通訊 Red Cross News
二零零八年冬 Winter 2008

封面故事 Cover Story

Several characters, not acquainted with one another, have developed something in common through the community works and visits of the Hong Kong Red Cross, and now they will share with you their tales of gains and insights in becoming a regular donor and volunteer.  

行善積福 自「得」其樂
Charity acts that change your lives

Betsy Yip is a loyal Hong Kong Red Cross (HKRC) supporter who has a history of donating blood for over 10 years. She has also become a regular donor in recent years, contributing HK$100 a month to help finance the long term humanitarian works of the HKRC…
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啟發視野的義務工作 ─ 記三星義工隊探訪長者
An inspiring experience-- Samsung volunteers paid visits to elderly residents

Sally Cheung, encouraged by her employer Samsung Electronics H.K. Co. Ltd. (Samsung) some four years ago, had visited schools for disabled children and elderly homes while eventually Sally decided to bring her daughter, Suki along too...
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義務工作不是施予 ─ 記紐約人壽義工隊參觀特殊學校
Don't see yourself as a giver-- New York Life volunteers said after visiting a school for disabled children

Charity work was no stranger to New York Life insurance agent Eric Wong, whose first job was a community development officer, then he changed to care for mentally-ill children. He also worked in a HKRC special school. Standing in the Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School, “coming here is like going home,” he said...
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社會人言 Multivoice
A new beginning for the year, change leadership for the Health & Care Service Department 

放眼世界 Red Cross World
AIDS Concern


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